アクセルの悲鳴さ軋むタイヤから… | 輪胎嘰嘰作響 油門的驚叫聲 The scream of the accelerator from squeaking tires... |
見知らぬ女(きみ)乘せ飛び出したクーペ | 雙門轎車載著不知名的妳衝出來 With a stranger, you [an unknown woman], the coupe dashed out. |
[Before the summer takes you... Right now!] | [在這夏天之前遇到你... 立刻開始] [Before the summer takes you... Right now!] |
追いかける影を振り切りドア締めた | 甩開追來的人影 關上車門 You shut the door to break free from pursuing shadows. |
君は「どこでもいいから走って!」と | 妳說: 去哪裡都行,快走! You said, "Anywhere's fine, step on it!" |
出逢はハイウェイ‧ジャンクション | 在公路交會點相遇 Encounter at a highway junction. |
港が見える頃 | 望見港灣的那一刻 When the harbor was seen, |
戀に落ちたと氣づいた | 發覺自己墜入了情網 I noticed I'd fallen in love. |
Take me to Summer Side | 引導我到夏季 Take me to Summer Side |
口づけより優しさが欲しいと | 妳說: 比起你的吻,我寧願你溫柔地對我 Saying you want affection more than a kiss, |
Night of Summer Side | 夏季的夜裡 Night of Summer Side |
あどけなさで拒否(かく)した瞳は | 妳的眼眸天真地拒絕我 Hidden [denied] by innocence, your eyes [lit. pupils] |
大人だったね | 像大人一樣 were grown-up (wasn't it). |
波のない入江並ぶマストの影 | 平靜無波 船桅林立的海灣 Shadows of masts lie in a row on the waveless inlet. |
肩を抱いて棧橋を步いたよ | 摟著妳的肩走在碼頭上 Hugging shoulders, we walked the docks. |
[Before the summer takes you... Right now!] | [在這夏天之前遇到你... 立刻開始] [Before the summer takes you... Right now!] |
氣まずさは苦手なのと急に笑い | "我最怕難為情了." 妳突然一笑 Suddenly laughing that the embarrassment was hard to handle, |
腕をすりぬけたね踴るみたいに | 支開了我的手 巧妙如跳舞般 you slipped through my arms as if dancing. |
優しさはぐらかし何を探してるの | 擺脫我的溫柔 妳究竟在尋找什麼? Evading tenderness, what are you looking for? |
戀に理由はいらない… | 戀愛不需要理由 We don't need an excuse for love... |
Take me to Summer Side | 引導我到夏季 Take me to Summer Side |
誘うようにデッキへと飛んだね | 妳跳上了甲板 像要引誘我 As if to lure me, you leapt to the deck. |
Night of Summer Side | 夏季的夜裡 Night of Summer Side |
背中そらし誰のものにもね | 挺直脊背 "我可不屬於任何人的喲!" Curving your back, saying you wouldn't be just anybody's, |
ならないわよってキスしたね | 說著竟親了我 you kissed me. |
急がないと夏が終りそうだよって | "再不快一點,夏天就過去咯!" Saying if we don't hurry, summer will be over, |
知らない顏で口說くよ | 裝做沒事人的模樣誘惑我 you woo me with an unfamiliar face |
Take me to Summer Side | 引導我到夏季 Take me to Summer Side |
淋しさより口づけが欲しいと | 妳說: 我不愛寂寞,我要你吻我 Saying you want a kiss more than loneliness, |
Night of Summer Side | 夏季的夜裡 Night of Summer Side |
振り返った君の眼差しは | 妳回頭的眼神 The way you looked, turning back |
大人だったね | 像大人一樣 was grown-up (wasn't it). |
[Fall in your life... Lost in the light...] | [你的生命陷入低潮... 光彩失去了...] [Fall in your life... Lost in the light...] |
歌唱:池田政典 作詞:賣野雅勇 作曲:NOBODY 編曲:新川 博 |
中文翻譯:aten (hong) 翻譯補充:Jyh Lih 中文資料來源:陽光沙灘 Translation: Theresa Martin (revised April 23, 1993) |
HTML 建構及校稿:Jyh Lih |